^^my LifE^^

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Different Aspects of Culture

Malaysia is known as a peaceful country with various races live in with harmonic and without any problems. The major is Malay,followed by Chinese,Indian,Kadazan,Iban and many more.Each of these races has its own unique culture.I will talk about these different cultures that exist in Malaysia.

The Malay people has many unique and attractive culture.Malays have been tough about the politeness and good behaviours since they were young.While Chinese has been tough about discipline since they were young.That is why Chinese are more punctual and well-disciplined than Malays and other races.

Malay has its own culture in doing the marriage ceremony,celebrating any occasions,traditional dance, traditional games and so on.For instance,Tarian Zapin,Tarian Kuda Kepang,Ulit Mayang and many more.Examples for traditional games are such as gasing,congkak,wau,sepak raga and also batu seremban.On other hand,Chinese also has many cultures.They have Tarian Naga,Chinese New Year,Cap Goh Meh and many more.During any festivals,Malaysians will visit each other without thinking about the different races and religion.

As a conclusion,although Malaysians have different culture with each other,they still can live in harmony and full with peace.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Work,Attitudes and Beliefs,and Social Changes

Based on Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,work means to do something that involves physical or mental effort. Work is a job that we get base on our achievement in previous studies or base on our experience.

People choose their job according to their achievements,attitudes and also their beliefs. There are some people that cannot work if the job is not suitable with their attitudes.Attitude means the way of behaving towards something or somebody that shows how is the feeling and the thought about it.

Beliefs also become one of the aspects that we need to consider when choosing job. This is because our beliefs are something that we hold and we will follow our beliefs in everything we do.We cannot do something that is against with our beliefs.For example,our beliefs are such as our custom that we have been followed since we were young.Job like prostitute is definitely against with our custom.So,that mean beliefs influenced someone when choosing job.

When talking about job,it relates with many things.Sometimes we overwork and this can cause pressure.This things will happen when we are too obsess in getting money.So,we will work very hard in order to get more money.When we reach the limit,we will get stress and this will cause pressure.The other reason is people work because of salaries,not because of our intention or our enthusiasm.This will make us feel stress with that job because we are doing something that we do not want to do.So,we must choose our job according to our interest and not because of salaries.

Our social lives will definitely change when we entering the job world.We need to meet many people with various attitudes and behaviours.We must know how to deal with this situation.We have to mingle with them in a very good manner so that many people will like and have a believe in us.This will make our job become easier and we will work with excitement and no pressure.So,we must be very good in social.

As the conclusion,we have to be good in attitudes and social so that we will enjoy our job and can stay away from pressure